Today Dave & I set off to join Peter in Dawson City. Shortly after we loaded up the bikes a fox loped past us in downtown Whitehorse. "Holy cow did you see that Dave?" "Sure did."
Pretty uneventful trip except for the pounding we took from the road. At times it seemed as though the road dropped out from under the front tire leaving tire in the air, only to rejoin it with a whup a few seconds later. Ouch! The speed bumps had been turned upside down; replaced with large troughs that ran across the road. On more than one occasion I thought I was going to get swallowed up by them.
In several places the road was lined with a boarder of purple & yellow flowers (not the ones from Ontario). Really pretty actually. I have seen the purple flower on a couple of territorial signs so I don't think it is a weed.
Today was also the first day for bugs. We had to stop for bridge construction at one point. The mosquitoes appeared out of nowhere. I quickly closed my face shield while we waited three minutes for the light to change. I felt right @ home. It was shades of the "Bridges of Huron County" construction I experienced when I first moved to Belgrave. It seemed that all the good motorcycle roads had bridge reconditioning on them.
Dawson is right out of the old west. It doesn't matter whether the building is new or old, it must look like the Gold Rush era. I half expected a gun fight to break out at anytime. Dirt streets & board sidewalks connect the pastel coloured buildings. In away, it reminded me of Newfoundland.
After an outstanding turkey dinner Peter & I became members of the Sourtoe Cocktail Club in the hotel bar. Nine to eleven is "Toe Time." A ceremony similar to the "Kiss the Cod" ceremony in NFLD with a twist. They submerge a sourdoe's toe in a shot of Yukon Gold; you drink the shot & the toe must touch your lips. Pictures to follow.
We head to Eagle Plains halfway up the famous Dempster Hwy tomorrow. Peter is really excited. We are finally on our way to the Arctic Circle & Inuvik NWT.
Hey there Doug, Way to go - livin' the dream. So happy for you to be doing this trip. How fantastic! Sure brings back some memories. Feeling sort of jealous. It is the best way to really see the north. If you need some friendly folk in Inuvik for any reason, stop in at Aurora College (not hard to find). Ask for Anne Church - a very good friend. Say hello for me. Hope the bugs don't eat you alive. Also hope you have lots of good riding days and not too much rain. I hear it has been not so nice weather there lately. And maybe, you have already been and are heading south again. Would love to hear all about it when you are back. Take care, Liz Dietrich